Le-Comportementaliste.com Le-Comportementaliste.com
About Us
Who Am I

My name is Paul Coleman. Having owned and trained dogs for nearly 25 years I decided to specialise, and undertook training with one of the oldest established Dog Behavioural Training companies in the UK, and then worked for them. I provided support and advice for Trainee Behaviourists and for external clients, contacting us with their own dogs issues. I built up an extensive understanding of the problems that exist. When a client called me I was not normally their first attempt at solving their dogs problems, but I was usually the last.

I want to provide the best possible service for you. To achieve that I need - using my experience and knowledge - to find the root cause of the problem and then a solution to that which suits your lifestyle and commitments. Often this involves correcting the behaviours of the dog, sometimes the owner but usually I must find an effective balance between the two. If I can create a solution that removes the problems and which does not impact on lifestyle and commitments then I have had a successful day.

It is impossible for any behavourist to give a definitative solution to a dogs behaviour over the telephone without having seen the dog. There are too many variables that are impossible to for the owner to describe in a telephone conversation. Therefore an initial Home Visit is required in order to get the best possible result. Owner education can also play a vital role in prevention of problems developing in the first instance. A basic understanding of dog psychology and what a dog realy needs often stops problems in their tracks, hence my optional course - Basic Dog Psychology and Behaviour - can highlight many causes of poor behaviour and help the owner remedy the situation .

By the end of a Home Visit I want to have a noticeable improvement in the behaviour, with a clear and easy to understand plan for moving forward - not too much to ask really. With ongoing support afterwards, to help keep things on track, and further home visits if required, I have every confidence that you are provided with the best chance of a permanent solution.

My Philosophy

Simply put, my philosophy involves using whatever humane methods and tools that work with a particular dog and owner. By Humane I mean that they do not create fear or cause pain.

I also do believe that creating an environment that provides for the dogs and the owners wellbeing - while correcting the undesired behaviours in the dog - will provide a long term solution for everyone involved.